You can become a member of BBE either as an organisation or as an individual
16th July 2021
The Government has announced that Stage 4 of its recovery roadmap will begin on Monday 19 July. Despite the relaxations in specific COVID-19 mitigations, the legal requirement for bands to follow actions to minimise risks to members remains due to...
14th July 2021
We are currently in conversation with the DCMS and hope to issue an update this week on Covid-19 regulations and guidance for bands.
9th July 2021
UniBrass Presents “Band Camp”, a new exciting playing and social experience for university students, or anyone 18-25 not studying at university. This 5 night residential workshop will be based near Sheffield and musically led by David Thornton (...
9th July 2021
The UniBrass foundation will benefit from new funding sources in order to deliver an exciting new playing and social experience for young musicians. The new sources of income will allow enhanced musical tutoring and a number of extra workshop...
1st July 2021
"It started early one morning on Thursday 6 May. The little red tardis was loaded up with boxes of pBuzzes..." our youth specialist Paul McLaughlin updates on us on his latest series of schools workshops
28th June 2021
"Absolutely excellent, really informative, perfectly timed."
22nd June 2021
Membership with Brass Bands England includes affiliate membership with Making Music, alongside access to all their services. Here the Making Music team walk us through their Charity Registration Service and tell us how it can help your band.
12th June 2021
Working with BBE’s Brass Foundations team, Warwick Music Group and Denis Wick Products have donated over £5,000 worth of free plastic mouthpieces for use with schools and youth bands with the aim of kick-starting banding after the disruption of the...
4th June 2021
Bands everywhere will be honouring our NHS this July. Here's one way to do it, with our free new anthem by Liz Lane. Have a listen here to it being performed by the famous Grimethorpe Colliery Band.
2nd June 2021
What are you doing to celebrate the anniversary of the NHS? Complete our 2-minute form so that we can support you to spread the word, download your free copy of Hear the Call, and find out more about NHS Frontline Day.
1st June 2021
We've joined forces with the National Coal Mining Museum for a special event. Perform with your band or attend as a guest.
1st June 2021
BBE forms new partnership to offer an exciting international professional development opportunity.