You can become a member of BBE either as an organisation or as an individual
5th October 2023
BBE is on the lookout for up to two motivated and dynamic individuals between the ages of 18-25 who are passionate about the voices of young people being heard, in particular in the arts and culture sector.
29th September 2023
#BrassBandsAtChristmas will launch this October, last year’s campaign raised over £50,000 for bands nationwide.
27th September 2023
Seek out the BBCA tradestand at the Brass Band Conference
26th September 2023
120 young brass players are stepping through the doors of Royal Northern College of Music from four of the North West’s leading youth brass bands to take part in the Engage day!
21st September 2023
Audience tickets go on sale for Youth Champs 2024
18th September 2023
Brass bands have received coverage across the BBC news network after Elise Hale,won the prestigious BBC young reporter prize for 2023.
13th September 2023
Towcester Studio Band (TSB) is delighted to announce the launch of a new major project partnering with Fodens Band!
6th September 2023
BBE would like to remind prospective and regular entrants of changes to the usual registration window, which has opened early in order to allow bands more time to plan their participation.
5th September 2023
UniBrass announce exciting new project the Composition Competition!
4th September 2023
For any brass player seeking a perfect embouchure, the Maurice Porter Exhibition and associated new website created by the British Dental Association is a must.
31st August 2023
A record number of delegates have registered to attend this year's event in Huddersfield this October. See who's going and secure one of the remaining places.