Brass Band Conductors' Association Membership including Individual BBE Membership | Brass Bands England

You can become a member of BBE either as an organisation or as an individual

Brass Band Conductors' Association Membership including Individual BBE Membership

The annual price of Brass Band Conductors' Association Membership, including Individual BBE Membership, is £50.

Brass Band Conductors’ Association membership includes:

  • one free enhanced professional DBS check (requested through band/organisation)
  • access to personal instrument insurance savings deals
  • discounts on BBCA and BBE events
  • discounts on entry to the BBCA flagship annual Conducting Competition
  • access to the BBCA Mentoring Scheme
  • free listing in the BBCA Member Directory

Find out more about the Association and its latest events and benefits on the Brass Band Conductors’ Association page.

I'm already a BBE member, do I need to register?

BBE Band membership does not include membership of the BBCA, so if you’d like to join the Association, you’ll need to do so here.

If you're not part of a member band, BBCA membership now also includes individual membership of Brass Bands England built in. So no need to sign up to both!

Once you have created your account, from your Member Dashboard, click on 'register as part of a band' to associate your membership with a member band, or to add the name of your non-member band.

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