Recurring Annual Membership | Brass Bands England

You can become a member of BBE either as an organisation or as an individual

Recurring Annual Membership

The price you pay for BBE membership relates to the size of your organisation - measured by the number of bands. For example, if you have a youth band and a senior band within your organisation you should purchase a 2-band membership.

If you're not sure what membership category to choose, see our membership pricing page. If you don't want to join as a Member Band, Individual memberships are also available.

For setting up a recurring payment via Direct Debit or recurring Credit Card payment, you benefit from a 2.5% discount on all membership fees:

  • A 1 Band Membership is £140.40 per year. This is also suitable for Brass Band Associations/Networks. 
  • A 2 Band Membership is £210.60 per year

  • A 3 Band Membership is £245.70 per year

  • A 4 or more Band Membership is £280.80 per year

  • Student/Youth Band Single Membership is £105.30 per year

  • Youth/Student 2 Band Membership is £140.40 per year

  • Youth/Student 3 Band Membership is £175.50 per year

  • Youth/Student 4+ Bands Membership is £210.60 per year

To set up a recurring payment, please complete the online form below.  If your organisation's bank account requires two signatures, you can download a Direct Debit Mandate. To do this right click here, select 'copy link address' and paste into your browser to download . Please sign and return by email or post to BBE.

If you wish to make a one-off payment for one year's membership, or to pay by cheque, please complete our one-off payments form.  Please note that payment by cheque incurs a £25 processing charge.

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