BandSafe | Brass Bands England

You can become a member of BBE either as an organisation or as an individual


Close up of a cornet being played next to a logo shaped like a shield and consisting of the B and S of Band Safe

Event date

Starts: Tuesday, 26 November, 2024 - 18:00
Ends: Tuesday, 26 November, 2024 - 21:30

Event description

BandSafe is an in-depth training course developed in partnership with the NSPCC and tailored to the challenges you might face in a band or voluntary music-making environment.

Designed to accompany BBE's BandSafe Toolkit, this online course will provide you with up-to-date knowledge in safeguarding procedures and practical support in developing policies for your music group.

Together, the course and toolkit can give you confidence in your safeguarding practices and ensure that your arrangements are in line with national guidance.

What Will The Course Cover?

Content of the course will cover:

  • Legislation & guidance
  • DBS checks
  • Policy writing - BandSafe Toolkit
  • Case studies & scenarios
  • Child Performance Licensing
  • How to use the BBE BOPA

Why Should I Attend?

Alongside providing in-depth training on best-practice in safeguarding, this training course is one of the qualifying elements in order for bands to use the BBE BOPA, alongside membership and completion of the BandSafe Toolkit. Bands wishing to use the BOPA must have two members who have completed the training course within the last two years.

Who Is This Training For?

BandSafe is ideal for band Safeguarding and Welfare officers but is also suitable for individuals working closely with children or adults at risk, particularly in a supervisory role.

Who will be delivering the training?

BandSafe training courses are delivered by BBE's Safeguarding Officer, Elizabeth Smith.

How much does it cost?

BandSafe training courses are available at a cost of £65 per attendee for BBE members or £110 per attendee for non-members.

You can join BBE from as little as £30. For information on joining BBE please visit our Join Brass Bands England page.

This event will be taking place via Zoom.

Before registering for a Bandsafe training course, please take a few moments to set up a personal account with BBE and link it to your band. You will find instructions on how to do this here under ‘How do I set up my own account with BBE?’

Register for this event via the Register button below.

**You will receive a confirmation email after registration with the details of the zoom link and some training materials in advance. Please read this information fully before the start of the training session**

Terms and Conditions



Event fees

BBE Member: £ 65.00
BBE Non-Member: £ 110.00