Brass Bands News | Brass Bands England

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Brass Bands News

Upturned brass instruments on a table with blue cloth in front of a rack of saxophones
14th April 2021
We spoke to Band Supplies, one of the UK’s leading suppliers of brass and woodwind instruments and accessories, who shared with us five ways in which they can help you prepare for a return to banding.
Band Governance Bootcamp
13th April 2021
We are pleased to launch our brand new essential governance training for bands. Join our Bootcamp day for a detailed look at all aspects of good governance.
12th April 2021
371 people tuned into our exciting and interactive workshop day last week. Here's what they thought, plus your chance to watch again.
 Louis playing trumpet in his left hand with his right arm raised, wearing a black t-shirt
7th April 2021
Louis Dowdeswell. accomplished young British trumpet player, music producer and content creator, is the latest Yamaha Performing Artist to feature in our Online Development Programme.
Conductor's hands holding a baton
6th April 2021
The Brass Band Conductors’ Association’s annual Conducting Competition has a track record of discovering some of the very best conducting talent. And it’s open to all conductors, of all levels, wherever you are located. Just submit your existing...
Two girls and a boy playing silver brass instruments in front of a bright but cloudy sky
2nd April 2021
BBE is among more than 2,700 recipients to benefit from the latest round of awards from the £1.57 billion Culture Recovery Fund. Amongst other things his award will support our flagship rejuvenation project, Brass Foundations.
17th March 2021
If you're new or fairly new to playing a brass instrument, join us for a free fun-filled live-streamed workshop day, delivered by the BBE Brass Foundations team.
15th March 2021
A lot of us in the world of banding will have needed to complete a DBS check at one time or another, but what exactly is a DBS check, and who needs one?
15th March 2021
Bring Back the Brass is a new Facebook Live interview series delivered by Brass Bands England's Brass Foundations team. Every Monday at 6.30pm we’ll be joined by an influential figure in the world of brass.
Boy playing a xylophone, holding three mallets in each hand
13th March 2021
This month, Chethams School of Music will be running a virtual musical Bootcamp for young musicians aged 8 - 18. Anyone can register to take part and it's totally free.
12th March 2021
Your chance to win BBE Membership by sending us your thoughts and opinions. Whether you're a BBE member or a non-member, we'd like to hear from you.
8th March 2021
Whether you’re interested in a musical career in the British Army, or just a supporter of the band, this behind-the-scenes webinar will offer you a way to find out more about one of the oldest and best-known military bands in the world.