Last year Brass Bands England set up the #WomenInBanding survey which received over 100 responses to questions about the positive and negative experiences of woman-identifying members of brass bands.
Join us on 22 February for our #BreakTheBias webinar, where we'll share the survey findings and host a virtual round-table panel discussing how BBE can support its members to improve the experiences of women-identifying members of the banding community.
During the webinar we'll be joined team by partner speakers representing a range of perspectives of Women in Banding. Brass for Africa will be sharing their mission for a gender-equal world, an interivew with Sumayah, a female bass player in Kampala and explaining how you can get involved in this year’s Race for Equality. In addition, 4th year University of Salford PhD Student Marrianne Garbutt will be presenting on her research - ‘Women in Brass: a study study to improve the numbers of women performers, conductors, composers, adjudicators and in positions of leadership and authority in the British Brass Band movement.’.
This promises to be an enlightening and interesting event for women and men, showcasing a range of perspectives on Women in Banding in the UK and beyond.
How can I register?
You can sign up via the BBE Events page. This webinar will be happening over Zoom and is free for non-members and members of BBE.