BBE's new Fundraising Manager, Pamela Johnson, introduces two new funds that are perfect for bands. Plus a webinar for all your questions on how to apply...
There’s no doubt that 2021 has not been the recovery from the pandemic we had wished for, so surely 2022 will offer sunnier skies!
As the new Fundraising Manager for Brass Bands England, I can’t predict what 2022 will look like, but am hopeful that we’ll see funding going to people and projects in the banding sector that need them most. What’s certain is that delivery of fun, engaging and interactive events for communities has never been more needed.
With that in mind there are two funding opportunities for brass bands on the horizon:
In June 2022, Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II will become the first British monarch to celebrate a Platinum Jubilee, 70 years of service. In celebration there will be a four-day weekend with the May bank holiday moved to Thursday 2 June and an additional bank holiday on Friday 3 June created to mark the historic occasion.
Activity will build across the UK in the run up to this four-day weekend and there are funding opportunities for brass bands to deliver events which will add to this nationwide fanfare and celebration.
Funding Webinar
The two main funds are detailed and below. I’ll be running a special BBE Webinar on Tuesday 15 February 7 - 8pm to discuss both funds but in particular the National Lottery Community fund and offer ideas and application guidance in advance of fund deadlines.
ACE Jubilee Fund
Applications open 4 January – deadline 28 February 2022.
Funding being distributed by UK Community Foundations on behalf of Arts Council England.
Amount: £750 - £10,000 (applications at the higher end £5k+ are encouraged to include partnerships with artists and organisations who have been in receipt of Arts Council funding in the last 4 years).
Funding decision by 1 April for activity which can start from April (e.g. rehearsals) and end by August (evaluation) with events/activity on and around the Jubilee June bank holiday.
Info on organisations and individuals previously funded by Arts Council England here.
Applications must be made through a regional/local community foundation in your locality. Find yours by postcode. (Please bear in mind the majority of foundations have yet to promote the Jubilee Fund on their websites).
There are opportunities with this fund that will enable brass bands to work with other art-forms and artists to deliver a cultural event, raise their profile by doing so and reach and engage new participants and audiences.
The National Lottery Community Fund
Applications online now open (online only and registration required) – deadline 31 March 2022.
Amount: £300 - £10,000
Funding decision within 12 weeks of application submitted.
This Awards for All programme is now open for applications from voluntary and community organisations in England that will deliver events and activities that celebrate the Platinum Jubilee.
The strongest projects will promote relationships across generations or develop the skills and experience of communities or encourage the care of/action in the natural world as part of the celebrations. You can also apply for funding for a one-off event during the weekend which meets any of the above criteria. Below are some previously funded Awards for All projects which may stimulate your thinking and application ideas.
Under £1,500 Tea party an afternoon show the costs for conductor or equipment and venue hire, PRIDE celebration, Care home project and ukulele festival.
Under £5,000 Conservation project, Summer concert, Celebrate diversity, Village hall improvements, Community music festival, Intergenerational music project, Food festival, Music participation, Young people, Special needs, Community concerts and Youth volunteering.
There are opportunities in the project budget to include running costs, equipment, training transport and volunteer expenses as part of this fund.
Don't forget that the Fundraising webinar is part of BBE's wider spring training programme of webinars, in-person workshops and virtual drop-in sessions. See what's on and book your places on the BBE events page.
I wish you all the best for the New Year and look forward to working with you in 2022. Look out for more details of our fundraising service announcement for members and 1:1 support in the New Year.
You can contact me at Brass Bands England - Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays from 4 January at: pam@bbe.org.uk.
Pamela Johnson
Fundraising Manager, Brass Bands England