You will know by now that #PromsInThePlayground is a national, musical initiative from Brass Bands England's Brass Foundations Programme that seeks to link brass bands with their local school to provide a free, fun performance in their playground during the last three week of the summer term.
You will have arrived at this page because you have already been invited or you are already involved in planning a #PromsInThePlayground event with your local brass band. Great!
To actively support the musical learning that your school is going to experience, the Brass Bands England Brass Foundation team have created these resources to enhance and develop your pupils' understanding of what is an integral part of our country's musical landscape. - brass bands.
The resources are targeted towards EYFS, Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2 and can be used either to prepare the children for your upcoming event or to reflect upon it, so pre- or post-event. The pack includes activities which can be used as standalone activities or can be integrated into a longer unit of work and are focused on the three basic strands of the music curriculum. There are some physical, practical activities, performance-based tasks, pieces of work to focus on listening and opportunities to compose music of their own. All our activities reflect the intentions of the Model Music Curriculum, developing skills and knowledge whilst focusing on our unique, inclusive and community-centred music-making.
The resources
For ease, we have two options available. The first is the overall pack, and the second is the ability to download separately as required. If you are a band looking to partner with a school, you can download our sample email.
EYFS/Key Stage 1
#PromsInThePlayground Banner Activity
#PromsInThePlayground Bunting Activity
#PromsInThePlayground Compose a Fanfare Activity
#PromsInThePlayground Dynamics Activity
#PromsInThePlayground Make your own instrument
#PromsInThePlayground Review Activity
#PromsInThePlayground Conducting Activity
- There are three videos to accompany this activity: Conducting in 2, Conducting in 3, and Conducting in 4.
Key Stage 2
#PromsInThePlayground Banner Activity
#PromsInThePlayground Bunting Activity
#PromsInThePlayground Compose a Fanfare
#PromsInThePlayground Dimensions Activity
#PromsInThePlayground Dynamics Activity
#PromsInThePlayground Focused Listening Activity
#PromsInThePlayground Create a Graphic Score Activity
#PromsInThePlayground Research Composer Activity
#PromsInThePlayground Melody Writing Activity
#PromsInThePlayground MMC Listening Activity
#PromsInThePlayground Musical Structures Activity
#PromsInThePlayground Review Activity
We hope you enjoy the whole experience of having a Brass Band playing for you in your playground; let us know you're participating via the online form. Any questions you might still have may be answered by our FAQ. We would LOVE to see the work that your children do and hope that you will be able to share it with us by sending examples and messages about how you have used our resources, to brassfoundations@bbe.org.uk
Have Fun!
The Brass Bands England Brass Foundations Team.