Brass Bands Project Fund | Brass Bands England

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Brass Bands Project Fund

The Brass Bands Project Fund is now closed. Find out more about the successful applicants.


  • Encouraging participation in brass banding for young people

    Young girl plays trombone

  • Projects with a focus on making the brass band community more inclusive and diverse

    Women sits behind pride flag and brass instrument

  • Commissioning and creation of new works for brass bands

    Music on a music stand with trombonist facing the score

  • Supporting bands in need of emergency funds to survive

    Band marches in red uniform through the street

Monies in The Brass Bands England Project Fund have been donated to support bands via 2020 The Brass Bands England Emergency Fund campaign and the 2021 Brass Band Project Fund crowdfunding campaign. 

Brass Bands England is enormously grateful to everyone who donated to the various campaigns to raise funds for those in need in the community. Now that the COVID crisis is largely behind us, we feel that the most appropriate thing to do now with the remaining funds is to distribute it to remaining projects. We look forward to bands applying and to be able to support our members in their projects.

Kenny Crookston, CEO

Amounts awarded will depend on the quality of the application and the funds available at the time. In order to be eligible for the fund applications must:

  • Be from a member organisation of Brass Bands England
  • Be for no more than £1,000
  • Clearly fit into one or more of the four purposes for the fund

Applicants must provide their organisation's most recent accounts and a copy of their constitution. Applications will be assessed by Brass Bands England Staff and Trustees, whose decision will be final. Applications must be received by Monday 28 August, and decisions will be made by Monday 2 October 2023.

Apply to the Brass Band Project Fund

Any questions regarding Brass Band Project Fund applications can be directed to BBE's Fundraising Manager Beth Lambert at

Find out more about funding support offered by Brass Bands England.