Personal Instrument insurance | Brass Bands England

You can become a member of BBE either as an organisation or as an individual

Personal Instrument insurance

Brass Bands England has a partnership with Newmoon Insurance for our members to save on insuring your instruments. This deal gives you 12 months cover for the price of 10 on Newmoon’s Harmonic policy. The policy also covers all of your accessories up to £750 (£350 single item limit applies) so that you can be safe in the knowledge that your case, mouthpiece and accessories are covered too.

Why take out specialist instrument insurance

Many people keep their personal instruments on their household insurance but this approach is not without risk and may mean your instrument isn’t properly covered. For further help valuing your instrument and ensuring that it has appropriate cover, please visit our blog on brass instrument insurance.

What does this policy cover

We have assessed many policies in preparing this offer and we believe this policy provides excellent value for members as well as giving sufficient cover for most brass band activities.

Here’s why we think you might want to choose to insure with Newmoon:

  • 12 months cover for the price of 11
  • A specialist policy covers your instrument inside and outside of the home within the UK and can be extended to a worldwide basis
  • A standard £0 policy excess applies (although you can consider taking an excess if required)
  • Policy extensions are available to include loaning of an instrument
  • Worldwide, UK and Premises only cover options are available
  • Theft cover is included, involving non-force to a building where you are not in control of the security e.g. performance venue/ school etc.
  • Accidental damage is fully covered
  • Loss cover is included
  • Unspecified musical accessory cover comes as standard for upto £750 (item limit £350)
  • Unattended vehicle cover is included
  • Hire costs in the event of a claim are included
  • 21 days free cover when you borrow/acquire a new instrument (limit £3,500) is included
  • Access to a UK-wide repair network
  • Depreciation cover is included as standard

How to access the deal

BBE members can access the discount by calling Newmoon on 01892 280 323 and simply telling us you are a BBE member. Players with BBE member organisations can activate their membership by registering on the BBE website and linking to their member band.

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