Swinton & District Excelsior Band | Brass Bands England

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Swinton & District Excelsior Band

Swinton & District Excelsior Band

Swinton & District Excelsior Band is based in Swinton, a small village near Malton in North Yorkshire. The band was formed in 1936 by a group of ex-bandsmen living in Swinton who wished to resume their musical activities. The first engagements for the band were during the Christmas period, raising funds for instruments and music.

The band has progressed throughout the eighty plus years of existence and now numbers about 25 playing members in the main band with a learners band of 20 or so whom we hope will carry on the growth and improvement of the band. Members range in age from Primary School pupils to some in their 70’s and 80’s. While many of our young players leave the band when they leave school and go on to university, many go on to play in other bands all over the country or even overseas.

Rehearsal Info:

Contact Tracey Popham 01653 696417 for current information

Nationals Area: North
Section Play In: 4th

Contact details

Address: lavinianorton2@gmail.com, Malton, YO17 6PL