What to expect from a first aid course and why your band needs one | Brass Bands England

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What to expect from a first aid course and why your band needs one

Monday, 16 December, 2024

As we plan for another year of banding, we spoke to our Admin Coordinator, Sara Webb, about her recent experience attending First Aid at Work…

Everyone wants to have a safe and enjoyable time when listening to or playing in a brass band.  Plus, voluntary organisations are subject to legal requirements under the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 and the Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999. That’s why we’ve ensured that BBE members get a 15% discount on the cost of first aid and mental health training with our partners at St John Ambulance (SJA). 

After recently attending the one day Emergency First Aid at Work course, I’m here to let you know how I found participating in the course and why I think it will be a helpful resource for brass bands. 

SJA have curated a programme of training options that are most suitable for banding activity. This ranges from half a day defibrillator training, learning how to operate a defibrillator and perform effective CPR, to a three-day course covering first aid training more extensively. If you’ve already been first aid trained, you could take one of the refresher courses. It never hurts to practise and update your skills.

The one that I chose was the one day emergency first aid course. I chose it as one day felt sufficient for my own needs in my role as BBE’s Admin Coordinator. However, if your role involves travelling to large scale events, particularly when there will be children present, other courses would be required. 

The training day

It was a very enjoyable and useful day. We were a group of around 12 delegates, all from different industries. It was great to have the chance to meet people from outside of brass banding and hear different thoughts about potential work-based first-aid requirements. It really got me thinking about what I should be prepared for. But the content was really relevant to bands too. 

After introductions we got down to learning the basics of carrying out a primary survey on an unresponsive casualty. This was a very practical course, a refreshing change from watching videos. We were taught what to do and then given a scenario to practice a couple of times before our assessment. This was reassuring and I felt prepared by the time the assessment happened. By the end of the day we knew all about CPR, the role of the First Aider, seizures, shock, choking, burns and scalds among other things. The instructors were friendly, knowledgeable and approachable.

I can see why this course is proving so valuable to our member bands who have completed it so far. With such a range of events and activities in the world of banding - from outdoor concerts, to marches, to participatory workshops - there will always be planning to do and risks to mitigate.

I now feel confident that I could cope with First Aid eventualities and am sure bands would benefit from having this training. Knowing what to do, and importantly, what not to do builds confidence. Knowing you can cope with emergencies as well as simpler issues, like a nose bleed, should they happen in the band room, is great for peace of mind. Your First Aid certificate will be valid for three years.

Final thoughts

It is vital for voluntary organisations to adhere to the legal requirements set out in UK legislation, in the same way that any business would. This is why it is a condition of use for the BBE BOPA (Body of Person’s Approval) that there is a first aider present at any event using it. So if your band hasn’t refreshed its first aid knowledge yet, I’d recommend that you make it a priority for 2025.

Deals on offer cover courses ranging from first aid at work, through to paediatric first aid and defibrillator training, as well as annual refresher courses and requalifications.

To take up an offer, our members can log into their Member Resource’s library and search for the First Aid resource, where they will be able to purchase a voucher for a discounted course. You will also find the accompanying guide 'Essential considerations for brass bands in first aid training’ with important advice and guidance on both first aid and mental health considerations for your band. 

So go on, book yourself into one of SJA’s courses to start your year off in the best way, protecting the welfare of your band.

Sara Webb is BBE’s Admin Coordinator